04 maio, 2011

Memorando da Troika

A rubrica que se refere aos Transportes pode ser encontrada na página 26 deste documento.

Não se conhecendo a estratégia detalhada para "racionalização da rede" e "redução de custos das empresas", entre outros pontos, salientam-se o seguinte:

Railways sector:

i. Strengthen the rail regulator independence and competences including by strengthening its administrative capacity in terms of decision and execution powers and staffing;

ii. Ensure full independence of the state-owned railway operator CP from the State;

iii. Balance the infrastructure manager’s revenues and expenditures on the basis of a multi-annual contract with the infrastructure manager of a duration of at least three years and concrete commitments on State finance and performance;

iv. Carry-out a rationalisation of the network and effective incentives for the infrastructure manager to reduce its costs, whereby the regulatory body will be given a monitoring role;

v. Revise the existing Public Service Obligations (PSOs) on rail passenger transport, including the legal basis and administrative capacity for stepwise introduction of competitive tendering for PSOs;

vi. Revise the infrastructure charging scheme to introduce a performance scheme, permitting operators to introduce yield management of tickets, in particular to raise ticket prices;

vii. Privatise the freight branch of the state-owned rail operator and some suburban lines.

Via jornal Expresso